What Is Bandwagon Advertising? Example, Advantage And More

What Is Bandwagon Advertising? Example, Advantage And More

Marketing strategies that appeal to people’s FOMO or need to feel included are known as “bandwagoning.” Advertising (or, depending on the practitioner, propaganda) that appeals to people’s emotions is more likely to succeed in making a sale.

Examples of Bandwagon Advertising


It’s a cosmetics line with several options for lip color, eye shadow, base coat, etc. Mascara is a top seller for the company. It’s daring and really stylish. Maybelline’s claim that their mascara is the best-selling in the United States is undisputed. 

They claim the product’s global success is due to both its high quality and the patriotic pride it inspires among buyers.

Oral B

Similar to Maybelline, this brand of toothpaste has become popular with patriotic consumers. In Australia, Oral-B is a household name. Australia, you have made the transition; that’s the slogan for Oral-B, and it says it all.

Barack Obama

His values and guiding phrase, “A new beginning,” have conveyed a great lot. Without him, the United States is thought to be doomed. If America wants to win big, Barack Obama is their man. 

Donald Trump

The rallying cry of “Make America Great Again” has resonated with every citizen of the United States. He holds the distinction of being ranked among history’s most potent and influential heads of state. He was able to make the United States’ economy the strongest in the world. His rhetoric implies that if he is elected, America will be put on the right path again.


This massive burger chain is popular in many different nations. McDonald’s may be found in India, the United States, Australia, and many other Asian nations. 

They have so many limited-time promotions that customers are always on the go to grab their favorites at affordable costs. One of their best sellers is the happy meal, which comes with a complimentary toy for youngsters.

Tony Robbins

In all of his conferences, tickets sell out far in advance of the start of the performance because of his stellar marketing talents. These tickets are worth hundreds of dollars, so fans act quickly to get theirs before the price goes up.

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How Does Bandwagon Advertising Work?

People have a natural tendency to join what they believe to be the winning side, or more generally, a social group that they find appealing, a phenomenon known as the bandwagon effect. Advertisers take use of this in a number of ways:

  • Although the term “snob appeal” may put you off, it refers to marketing strategies that make consumers want to “join the club” by making them feel like they are part of an exclusive group.
  • You may make it seem as though those who don’t buy your product will be left behind the wave if you can demonstrate that a significant portion of the public already uses it. They’ll be the odd ones out because everyone else will be too hip for them.
  • The bandwagon effect may also be used to flood the market with your goods, giving the impression that it is the talk of the town. This strategy may entail strategically placing digital marketing ads so that your product is promoted across all relevant platforms.
  • Strategic endorsements involve paying for the services of celebrities who are already well-liked by your target market in order to spread the word about your product. Endorsements from well-liked people, or “influencers,” are common in social media marketing because of the bandwagon effect they may create.

Bandwagon advertising strategy


Using this tactic, you may make your product or service seem exclusive to the sort of person that everyone aspires to be. These individuals are attractive, successful, fulfilled, healthy, and highly esteemed.


This strategy is completely undesirable. This tactic turns the tables by emphasizing the negative consequences of not buying the product or service, rather than the positive outcomes of doing so.

Advertising that portrays individuals as antisocial, ugly, unhappy, or unpleasant instills anxiety in the minds of consumers. The use of flashing lights, brightly colored apparel, and upbeat music can all contribute to the impression that the product’s owner is more attractive. Scenes depicting the individual without the goods as an outsider may use low lighting, gloomy attire, and dismal music.


The transformation bandwagon approach combines the shame method with the desire method to demonstrate the behavioral change that occurs when an infrequent user finally gives in and gives the product a shot.

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What Are the Advantages of Bandwagon Advertising?

There are benefits inherent in bandwagon marketing. To begin with, it appeals to a basic human need (or fear): the desire to belong to a select group. When introducing a new product category, for example, the bandwagon effect might thrive since consumers have so little information to depend on. Advertisements that appeal to consumers’ emotions may help you stand out in a crowded market when your product may have trouble standing out on the basis of quality alone.

Saumick has been writing about disruptive technologies since 2015 and has worked closely with developers, analysts, and marketers. Other than being a tech-storyteller, Saumick is an avid reader and a passionate drummer.